Thursday, May 5, 2011

A picture paint a thousand words,

But, in this one, it only tells the tale of 3 stories :

#1 My killer paper, which ironically is also the elective paper, is done & over with! Regrettable that I did not prepare well for it, too caught up with the fun of study week and mum's birthday plan. Anyway,

#2 Red Bull did help a lot, I guess. Cause I did not feel sleepy until the wee hours in the morning. And good thing was it didn't increase the pulse rate like how Nescafe would. But it tasted like cough syrup, and it's way toooo sweeeet!

#3 Learnt the hard way that when you first switch on the electric for your computer and only connect the cable to its adapter later, the whole thing will make a zzz sound and then subsequently certified naik lorry when you try to on your comp. 

Hahaha anyway that caused me to spend quite some money on gadgety stuff. My pay for working this weekend would be used to fill up the holes in my account for the earphones, screen protecter & the adapter i got at a pretty good price : RM 130 for original HP adapter with 1 year warranty, compared to RM110 for the chiong one. 


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