Monday, November 8, 2010


Fuck tagging memes and whatnots. If I want to do it then I will tqvm. So here's what I saw in FB and decided to find my lost soul jump in the bandwagon to well erm know myself better wtf. Posted it here, cause I don't want unwanted ppl to read it on FB yess I'm private like that. 

**Do take note that all answers may be tampered with for a pleasurable reading, which means it ain't all genuinely true wtf

A - AVAILABLE : It depends to who
B - BIRTHDAY : 21.03.2010
C- CRUSHING ON : Well, what is more practical than moolah? ^-*
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD : Warm water with lemon and a pinch of salt.
F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT : Hrmmm screw this lah don't have one
H - HOMETOWN : Paradise de Taiping 
I - IN LOVE WITH : What I am in love with. Note the "what" heh.
J - JUGGLE : Phail
K - KILLED SOMEONE : Almost - many times.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE : Coach ride counted?
O - ONE WISH : Wishes come true ftw
R- REASON TO SMILE : Still alive / muscle spasm on face :P
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD : I-totally-cannot-remember-leh!
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP : Depends lah, better if after 10 each day, but 9 is not that bad.
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR : WHAT underwear? You mean, ppl still wears them?! -_-"
V - VEGETABLE : Want it need it wuff it and definetely eat it!
W - WORST HABIT : Countless but the more severe ones would be SPLURGING on unnecessary indulgences (expensive food), SLACKING, TOO self-absorbed.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD MOST RECENTLY : Before entering uni.
Y - YOYOS ARE : Not that awesome pun
Z - ZODIAC SIGN : Aries, but i love the word "Capricorn" probably because I'm a glutton - You see, it has "corn" in it.


Your favorite number/s: If I had to pick one to be immortalize(on mementos/jerseys) it'd either be 11 or 77, otherwise don't really give a damn kot.
What color do you wear most: No observation
Least favorite color : Fugly shades of Blue cause it's boring, except if it looks really cute on something beautiful. And Orange as well I'm so sick of this colour! It used to be my Sports House colour and now my hostel's trademark colour. 
What are you listening : The sound of air-cond blasting and the tapping sound that keyboards make. 
Are you happy with your life right now : Yays but could do better with more moolah :P
What is your favorite class in school : English, Arts, Nyanyiian & Bacaan. The last two were in junior high and some people might never had it in their whole school life =D. Damn, it's easy peasy, no work and can slack kao kao but I remember once I kena from the sissy nyanyian teacher(or the wife- i forgot whom) cause I forgot to bring the lyrics. 
Who is/are your best friend/s : Wait lemme check the crystal ball !
Are you outgoing: Usually not that very, but you might be surprised :D
Favorite pair of shoes : Comfy ones, more than one - the RM16.00 Converse inspired sneakers I got from Thai, the Beige wedges from Vincci, the RM10.00 white w/ blue soles slipper which I bought in Thailand also, and lastly my ex favouritest, the purrple Ipanema slippers (even though some of these aren't shoes to begin with!)
Can you dance? : Are you kidding me? Elephants could, of course, do better! 
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth : What do you think? ^-*
Can you whistle : YES CAUSE IT'S A MANLY THING.
Cross your eyes : Need to try damn hard
Walk with your toes curled : Yes


Do you believe in life in other planets : For some reasons, I wish there are.
Do you believe in miracles : Like what?
Do you believe in magic : Wikipedia say it's an illusion!
Love at first sight : Result of a drunk night
Do you believe in Santa : Boo nooo. What I read told me Santa only applies in Western culture. Thus, the realistic me crushed all my own wishes and hopes of Santa dropping by. 
Do you know how to swim : I can float and swing my hands but not sure if I'll be alive in the ocean.
Do you like roller coasters : Have NEVER been on one D:
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows : EEEKS I DON'T THINK SO
Have you ever been on a plane : Nooo
Have you ever asked someone out : Nooo
Have you ever been to the ocean : Sea? YES! Ocean? Might have been, on a lousy cruise trip.
Have you ever painted your nails? : Wahahah yess the most womanly thing evarrrr.


What is the temperature outside?: Wo bu chi dao don't have thermometer
What radio station do you listen to:  Random ones but most of the time it's Chinese-988, cause it's that channel in my dad's car.
What was the last restaurant you ate at : A friendly neighborhood kopitiam 
What was the last thing you bought : McD's for lunch for all.
What was the last thing on TV you watched : Survivor


Who was the last person you IM'd : Ma Jagung
Who was the last person you took a picture of : I can't remember, my phone died on me for so long alrd I totally disconnected from any camera equipment thereafter. 
Who was the last person you said I love you to: Don't ask cause I don't know cos I rarely say cos there's no one worthy to <3 cos......


Ever really cried your heart out : Yeah T____T
Ever cried yourself to sleep : Yeahhh those were the emoshit moments
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder : I guess
Ever cried over the opposite sex : I guess
Do you cry when you get an injury : Hahah used to, I guess...
Do certain songs make you cry : Used to...I guess


Are you a happy person? : Generally alright & contented
What is your current hair color : Slightly brownish


What shirt are you wearing : Yellow Digi tee
Pants : Mildly checkered
Shoes : Nope
Necklaces : Nooo

IN A Gurl Or Boy

Favorite eye color : Whatever as long as it's not like some over effect cons
Short or long hair : Preferably neatly short, but you damn sexayyy & hawt in longer hair.
Height : Everyone is taller than me alrd lah!!!


Been to jail : Close encounter T_T
Mooned someone : Errks which "moon" you referring to!
Thought about suicide : Foreverrr but too coward to execute my plans T_T Go thank doG cause someone this awesome is still alive today to answer this =_="
Laughed so hard you cried : Guess so
Cried in school : Yups
Thrown up in a store : Noo. Not yet, luckily
Wanted to be a model : Ahahaha you mean, a How-to-get-that-fugly model?
Seen a dead body : Yeahhhh T_T
Been on drugs : YES. CHOCS ARE MY DRUGS.
Gone skinny dipping : I can't the ocean would go dry if I jump.


Pepsi or Coke : TIGER! HEINEKEN! SAKURA!!!
McDonald's or Burger King : McD's cause it's more accessible & more economical for poor ppl like moi
Single or Group Dates : GROUP means more eye candies :D
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocs now, Vanilla then
Strawberries or Blueberries : Comparison invalid - haven't try real, fresh, juicy blueberries before.
Meat or Veggies : Meggies ! MUST have a balanced diet wtf
TV or Movie : TV sometimes too lazy for movie cause all the hassle and filthy conditions of cinemas
Guitar or Drums : I don't play both. Tried guitar but DRUM is da BOMB. Drummer boys are cuteeee!
Adidas or Nike : Nike
Chinese or Mexican : Chinese is comfy zone, Tortilla's more exciting ! =D I was really just comparing food~!

All written here might not be 100% accurate and is subjected to changes from time to time. Thanks for investing time reading this although the investment is a FAIL-FAIL one. Have a great day!


backstarch said...

cpp, r u rili serious in doing these?
cz i foundout there were lots of mistakes according to what i knew.
u sure u never ask some1 out?
and do u sure u RARELY say:i love you? hAHA

Pei The Piee said...

LOL TAN KAM WERN!!! Of course la, especially the "i love you" part, cause I only say it to YOU lorrr! <3

koh sushan said...

ada masa do all these memes = no study la hor?
